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Cecilia Monte Timorasso DOC "Campogatto" 2022 750mL

Cecilia Monte Timorasso DOC "Campogatto" 2022 750mL

Arresting, in a word, is our best description of the 2022 Colli Tortonesi Timorasso from Cecilia Monte. The first thing that will stop you in your tracks is the wonderful colour in the glass. If you ever need an example of a deep gold coloured wine, this is it. It looks like a gold ingot when viewed from above.

The second thing is the nose. If you’re not familiar with Timorasso, you’ll be misled by the rich colour. You’ll be prepared for buttery, woody, creamy, or aged aromas but instead you’ll be hit with a wave of wonderful fresh zestiness. Smelleing it blind you might guess it was a Riesling. As it warms in the glass there’s some honey and yellow fruits too.

Then the palate, like the nose, plenty of citrus and flint, and a lovely clean finish from the mouthwatering acidity. You might want to measure it up against a Riesling or a Chablis, but it’s futile - Timorasso is in a class of its own. This wine sees no oak but is excellent for ageing (good luck not drinking it now) further developing the honey notes along with a chewy nuttiness.

An indigenous Piedmont grape that nearly disappeared from the modern wine world, the hard to grow Timorasso is in excellent hands with Cecilia.

Regular price $79.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $79.00 AUD
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